IBAN-BIC.com (Theano GmbH) » Web Service » Without SOAP » REST Documentation: validate_iban
Testing the call mechanism for free: for your first implementation steps, we recommend using the endpoint rest.sepatools.eu/validate_iban_dummy/AL90208110080000001039531801, which expects the same parameters, runs on the same servers, uses the same authentication mechanism, and returns the same data structure as validate_iban. However,
Once you see that your implementation works, change the endpoint name from validate_iban_dummy to validate_iban.
Test Data: for testing your client implementation with different scenarios (valid IBAN, invalid IBAN, suspicious IBAN, etc.), you might want to use these test data (including test data for fraud prevention).
Authentication: Basic Authentication using the user name and password you defined when signing up on iban-bic.com.
Supports GET and POST.
Input Parameters:
The following output fields contain validation results:
Interpretation: if the sum is
The following output fields contain additional information about the validated IBAN, such as its BIC code and bank data:
The following output fields can be useful for judging if the validated IBAN is used fraudulently, for instance, harvested from the Web, generated by a fake IBAN generator, or already known to be related to fraud.
You may use these test IBANs for testing the various categories of blacklists: DE27100777770209299700, DE11520513735120710131, AT411100000237571500
The following output field contains your user account balance on iban-bic.com:
The fields iban_reported_to_exist and iban_last_reported are currently not used for a lack of data.