IBAN-BIC.com (Theano GmbH) » Web Service » Without SOAP » REST Documentation: calculate_iban
URL: rest.sepatools.eu/calculate_iban/{country}/{bankcode}/{account}[/{bic}[/{legacy_mode}]]
Testing the call mechanism for free: for your first implementation steps, we recommend using the endpoint rest.sepatools.eu/calculate_iban_dummy/IE/900017/10027952, which expects the same parameters, runs on the same servers, uses the same authentication mechanism, and returns the same data structure as validate_iban but is free to call. The dummy endpoint always returns the same data, no matter what parameters are passed, with these exceptions: if you enter the account data for DE, bank code 10077777, account 209299700 or DE, bank code 52051373, account 5120710131 or DE, bank code 52051373, account 5120710132 or AT, bank code 11000, account 237571500, you get the results for the passed parameters even from the dummy endpoint.
Test Data: for testing your client implementation, you might want to use these test data.
Authentication: Basic Authentication using the user name and password you defined when signing up on iban-bic.com.
Supports GET and POST.
Input Parameters:
The following output fields contain the IBAN and validation results:
Interpretation: if the sum is
The following output fields contain additional information about the calculated IBAN, such as its BIC code and bank data:
The following output field contains your user account balance on iban-bic.com: